Saturday 26 September 2015


Every event has a moment reserved for it... No force in this Universe can cause an event to occur before its destined time, nor it is in the hand of any to delay it. So there may come such times in your life where you might feel wronged, whence you lose your faith in all those teachings that tell us of love, believe , supreme being etc. But do remember it is not that you are wronged or you are being mocked by your fate. It is just that your destined time hasn't arrived yet.
No matter how sure you feel of your choice, there always exist some unseen facets of your decision that shall remain hidden from your consciousness. These unseen turns may not at all be  in your favour. So if it so happens that an event doesn't turn out as you expected, don't worry....for it might not be the destined time for the event to occur yet to be....nor it might be the best thing to occur.May be a better tomorrow waits for you in the near future, may be fate has in stock for you a rather much more pleasant future, which you may not desire but which a noble soul like yours truly deserve. So just move forward, give your best, and keep your faith alive for THE BEST IS YET TO COME

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